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      PCS - Energy Storage Power Converter

      -Specially designed for energy storage systems, bidirectional AC/DC converters - UL&TUV certified -Supports multi-channel and multi-protocol communication - maximum efficiency of 98.8% ·PCS DC/DC converter 100-300kW -Specially designed for different battery systems, bidirectional DC/DC converter - supports multi-channel and multi-protocol communication -Maximum efficiency 98% ·PCS - AC DC hybrid converter 20-50kW -Supports both bidirectional AC/DC conversion and bidirectional DC/DC conversion

      products detial

      ·PCS continuous current/AC converter 100-600kW

      -Specially designed for energy storage systems, bidirectional AC/DC converters - UL&TUV certified

      -Supports multi-channel and multi-protocol communication - maximum efficiency of 98.8%

      ·PCS DC/DC converter 100-300kW

      -Specially designed for different battery systems, bidirectional DC/DC converter - supports multi-channel and multi-protocol communication

      -Maximum efficiency 98%

      ·PCS - AC DC hybrid converter 20-50kW

      -Supports both bidirectional AC/DC conversion and bidirectional DC/DC conversion - supports photovoltaic access

      -Supports multi-channel and multi-protocol communication - maximum efficiency 96%

      PCS continuous current/AC converter 100-600kWPCS DC/DC converter 100-300kWPCS - AC DC hybrid converter 20-50kW
      PCS-直流交流變換器100 600kwPCS-直流交流變換器100 300kwPCS-直流交流變換器20-50 kw

      儲能產品 標準電池模組 2 - 副本

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